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In some situations, we saw that our customers are trying to export their database to a blob storage that is behind a firewall, currently this operation is not supported Export a database to a BACPAC file – Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Learn


Exporting a database we need to review some considerations in terms of storage:


  • If you are exporting to blob storage, the maximum size of a BACPAC file is 200 GB. To archive a larger BACPAC file, export to local storage with SqlPackage.

  • Exporting a BACPAC file to Azure premium storage using the methods discussed in this article is not supported.

  • Storage behind a firewall is currently not supported.

  • Immutable storage is currently not supported.

  • Storage file name or the input value for StorageURI should be fewer than 128 characters long and cannot end with ‘.’ and cannot contain special characters like a space character or ‘,*,%,&,:,,/,?’.


Trying to perform this operation you may received an error message: Database export error Failed to export the database: . ErrorCode: undefined ErrorMessage: undefined-

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.