Gwynn’s Of Mt Pleasant

Gwynn’s Of Mt Pleasant

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css=”.vc_custom_1540223703471{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}” z_index=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]Congratulations to Gwynns of Mount Pleasant on the launch of their new website! You had a fabulous fashion make over. We look forward to helping you get your eCommerce site up and running as well.

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Why Does My Business Need A Website?

Why Does My Business Need A Website?

Everyone is always asking “Why does my business need a website?” Well with today’s growing market of people who search for things using mobile devices and personal PC’s we wanted to give you a couple reasons why! Having an internet presence is very important whether your a 20 year old company or just starting your business, people want the convenience of looking you up at a touch or a click. If you aren’t one the internet, you should be. It’s great advertisement, it gets you out here with your competition, it keeps you current with the times. Here are the top seven reason why your business should be on the web:

1. Don’t let your competition take over your position! Most companies today use internet to search for suppliers. In case you don’t own a web presentation, but your competition does, your competitor gains a competitive advantage and is likely to take over your business.

2. Majority of customers use internet to look for services and products. Internet serves as a tool for finding proper seller, who meets all buyer’s expectations – whether it’s price, quality or other criteria. Thus the buyer saves time and travel expenses, which he/she would otherwise spend using an ordinary way of obtaining information through company visits, viewing and comparing products/services. Quality internet presentation saves customers’ time and makes their searching and shopping experience more enjoyable.

3. It takes certain time to reach first positions in search engine results. Displaying web presentations on the top positions in search results is important for your business – it brings new visitors to your website, without additional costs incurred for advertising and promotion. However, your web presentation will not reach first position overnight. It usually takes two or three months until your website (if it’s properly optimized for search engines) starts scoring high in the search results. Therefore, do not wait too long and invest in a professional web presentation soon!

4. Your friends can promote your business. The best way to spread information these days, is using internet. Complete information about your company is displayed on your website. If your friend or a good customer wants to recommend your company, the only thing they need to remember is the name of your website, which can be then easily distributed to their friends… Save your time and time of your willing customers. Web site is your best business card!

5. Website is cost-effective. Increasing number of customers contacting you through your website and low operating expenses are far more cost-effective than traditional means e.g., contacting customer personally or participating on exhibitions. Considering the return on investment (the costs invested into development of a high quality web presentations, less the profit your new website will generate), you will realize, that investing into the development of a professional website is very profitable (not only in a long run).

6. Product catalog on a website. There is no need to print your product catalog in form of brochure. All you need is to place it on your website. Its content is always current, well organized, allowing you to cut on brochure printing costs and expenses related to distributing it to your customers. Customer will be able to find a product on your website much faster. It also allows you to make rapid changes in the product information.

7. Company presentation. What is equally important, web presentation builds the best and the most coherent image about your company. You do not need to visit a company or call the secretary to get an idea about a company. We design your website so that visitor receives a positive impression about your company and he/she will contact you.