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The Universal Print team tracks feature requests and ideas for improving Universal Print on the Tech Community at This space allows Tech Community members to contribute new ideas and upvote or provide comments on existing ideas.

The idea board is very important to the Universal Print team. There are so many features we want to add in Universal Print, but we can’t work on everything at the same time. Submitting and upvoting ideas helps us decide what to work on first.

The meaning of the different idea states

The Universal Print team periodically reviews feature requests and assigns or updates the state of each idea. Here is the list of the states and their meaning:

  • New = Not yet reviewed.

  • Looking into it = Being considered.

  • Clarification needed = The Universal Print team needs more information about this idea. 

  • Feedback needed = The Universal Print team wants your feedback on this idea.

  • Planned = On our backlog. Work has not started.

  • In progress = in active development.

  • In progress: partner = Feature will first be available in partner solutions.

  • Duplicate = Another idea post contains this feature.

  • Not planned = We currently have no plans to introduce this feature.

  • Completed = Feature is currently available.

How to effectively use the ideas board

First, please search the idea board to see if the idea or feature request you have has been posted by someone else. If the idea exists, please upvote it. Otherwise, please submit it as a new idea.

When submitting new ideas, submit one post per idea. Posts with multiple ideas tend not to get upvoted and receive less attention.

Always add comments to ideas you submit or upvote. Let us know as much detail as possible about the scenario you would like to enable and the user flow you would like to see.

Providing feedback

Your comments on any of the idea posts are always appreciated. Especially, in the case when the Universal Print team submits an idea and marks it with the state “Feedback needed”. These posts will contain an idea we are investigating or a scenario we want to verify is important to our customers.

Please upvote these ideas if you believe they are important to your organization and leave a comment with any additional suggestions you have. Alternatively, you can comment to let us know why the suggested idea is not important to your organization.

Try it out

Go to now to view the list of ideas, upvote the ones you want to see in Universal Print and leave comments with your specific requirements.

By contributing to the idea board, you help shape the future of Universal Print into what you want it to be.


Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.