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When designing any solution, we often look for common practices or patterns that can be re-used. Think about this from a Software development perspective. You’ve probably heard about the Factory Method pattern, Builder or Singleton patterns.


What about design patterns for the cloud? Fortunately a number of well-known patterns already exist and are documented! You can find those over on the Azure Architecture Center, in the Cloud Design Patterns section.


In the following video, Chris Reddington and Peter Piper explore the Gatekeeper Pattern and the Valet Key Pattern.


What is the Gatekeeper Pattern?

The Gatekeeper Pattern helps you to protect your application and services by exposing your application or service through a dedicated instance. This dedicated instance (the gatekeeper) is a type of Façade layer that decouples clients from your trusted hosts. The gatekeeper may perform tasks like authentication or authorization, or other sanitization steps such as rate limiting or checking for specific metadata in requests.


It may be useful in scenarios where you have a distributed application (e.g. a set of microservices), and want to centralize your validation steps for simplicity. Alternatively, if your application has requirements for a high level of protection from malicious threats, then you may want to consider reviewing this pattern.


What should you consider before implementing the Gatekeeper pattern?

  • The Gatekeeper should be kept lightweight, and typically focuses upon validation/sanitization. Try not to get pulled into a trap of any processing related to your applications, which would introduce coupling between services!

  • As the Gatekeeper is “less trusted” than your trusted hosts, they are typically hosted in separate environments.

  • As the Gatekeeper is a Façade-based pattern, you are introducing an extra step in your application’s routing which means this may increase latency.

  • Given that the Gatekeeper is a type of Façade, be careful not to introduce a point of failure into your architecture. Implement scaling of your Gatekeeper component as needed.

This is just a brief summary of the pattern, and some key considerations. For the full detail, check out The Gatekeeper Pattern on the Azure Architecture Center.


What is the Valet Key Pattern?

The Valet Key pattern could also be considered if security is important. At a high level, the Valet Key Pattern is an approach to prevent direct access to resources and instead uses keys or tokens to restrict access to those resources.


Consider an Azure Storage Account with blobs in a private container. You could provide access to the account using the Storage Account Key, but that would grant overall direct access to the storage account and pose a security risk. Instead, you could generate time-bound permissions-restricted access to a set of files in the Storage Account using Shared Access Signatures. A Shared Access Signature is an example implementation of the Valet Key pattern.


What should you consider before implementing the Valet Key pattern?

  • As a token/key is required to provide restricted access, how do you provide that secret material to the user in the first place? Make sure to send it to the user securely.

  • Ensure that you have a key rotation strategy in place ahead of time. Don’t wait until a token is compromised to test your operational process of rotating keys!


The Valet Key is a separate architectural pattern in its own right, but worth noting it is commonly used in combination with the Gatekeeper pattern.  


This is just a brief rundown of the pattern, and some common considerations. For the full detail, check out The Valet Key Pattern on the Azure Architecture Center.


Remember, there are many more cloud design patterns that you can use in your own solutions! Check them out on the Azure Architecture Center. If you prefer video/audio content, then take a look at Architecting in the Cloud, One Pattern a time series on Cloud With Chris

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.